Sunday, October 23, 2005

Japanese Ahead of the Curve in Technology--Again

Let it come as no surprise in a few years when American auto makers are facing yet another crisis because everyone is buying cars manufactured by Japanese companies.
Check out the latest electric sedan, made in Japan; an eight-wheeled vehicle that travels faster than 200 miles per hour!
Mitsubishi Motors Corp. will begin selling a new electric car in 2010. Priced around $19,000, it goes about 100 miles on a single charge, and can be re-charged at home from an outlet.
In 2002, Japanese toymaker Takara Co. unveiled a single-seat faux-vintage electric vehicle called a Q-Car with a range of around 50 miles, costing about $8,000. Yes, it's street legal.
Similarly, Subaru and Toyota Electric Power Co. will jointly develop an electric car with a 50-mile range that recharges in just 15 minutes. In two years TEPCO will replace all 3000 vehicles in its fleet with the new electric powered transports.
And I haven't even said a word about their fuel-cell vehicles, hybrid vehicles or solar powered vehicles...

In the meantime, Detroit is still focused on horsepower, Hummers and cargo room. You do the math...

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