Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Republicans in Space

Boeing Space Exploration Systems w/pics

Crew Exploration Vehicle

From a story at

Sen. Kay Hutchison (R-Texas), subcommittee chair, said that NASA must work to avoid being caught without the ability to launch its own human missions to the ISS and low-Earth orbit.
"I think that we cannot allow that kind of hiatus right now," Hutchison said to a panel of NASA program managers, astronauts and scientists. "I think of it as a national security threat to our country and I intend to pursue everything I can to look at ways to shorten that time period."
(Read the complete story here.)

At first glance it might seem odd that a Republican would be leading the call for more NASA funding and an increase in Space readiness. However it's important to remember, Ronald Reagan was the one who thought we needed a Strategic Defense Initiative (nicknamed, Star Wars) and a permanent human presence in Space. Hence, the International Space Station.

So, I guess I have to take the bad (religious conservatism, tax breaks for the rich and constant warfare) with the good (Space exploration!)
If you can't beat them, join them.

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